Newsletters are a great way to maintain contact with golfers !!

But like everything else it is important that you keep abreast of the latest developments not only in technology but the marketing methods available to enhance the effectiveness of your newsletter campaigns.
As we have already highlighted in this website, the announcement by Google of the importance they now place on mobile searching and the provision of a consistant user experience, will have an effect on how newsletters should be constructed which if not dealt with then you are going to find that whilst you will be sending out newsletters in the same way you have been for many years that it is being read by less and less subscribers!
An increase in the number of golfers unsubscribing may quite possibly be because of their difficulty in reading the newsletter in a mobile device !
They say that print is dead and online is very much the future well of course it is NOW and the future... however there is still a viable market in the printed newsletter because new technology has enabled the linking of the two worlds and with our unique Info Quick (TM) concept then production of a printed newsletter can take on quite a different and exciting role.
UGolf Media are able to develop bespoke email newsletters constructed from your raw ideas and objectives and turned into a quality product that recipients will enjoy reading indeed they look forward to each issue which at the end of the day has to be the predominant objective.
To chat with UGolf Media to see how cost effective our newsletter service can be for your golf club/resort then please call...
00 44 (0)1743 581425