Interactive scorecards can create revenue opportunities!!

QR Codes have been around for quite some time now and any golfer with a Smartphone will know exactly what it does and is 95% certain to have a QR Code Reader App installed. What this means from a golf club's perspective is that it is a gateway through which a golfer can obtain information about the club and with a bit of creative thinking will help to seduce golfers into coming back again.
UGolf Media specialise in creating visual course guides so that golfers can assess the quality of a golf course prior to arriving at the course and to help them decide where they want to go and play or where they want to go for a golf vacation.
The golf scorecard is just one example of how a QR Code can be used effectively because they are provided to every visting golfer and more importantly are more than likely retained as a memento of the golfers visit. By encouraging them to use their QR Code scanner to download the club's hole by hole guide the club will capture their email address for ongoing marketing purposes!
The live demo you can access (above) does not request an email address.
Downloading a course guide from the scorecard
However from the golfers perspective once it has downloaded then because of the way it has been constructed they will not need to rely on an internet connection when they're out on the course!
This is why they need to ensure they wait the alloted time and then test it by turning Airplane Mode ON and then quickly checking all the holes but in particular the last few holes which if the images appear then all will be fine.
Try it NOW by scanning the QR code shown above where you can view the entire Punta MIta Pacifico golf course on the west coast of Mexico. After download turn on Airplane Mode and view the entire golf course to test it without an internet connection.
To chat with UGolf Media to see how cost effective adding this to your scorecards is plus the multitude of ideas a golf club can take on by making other documents interactive then please call...
00 44 (0)1743 581425