Marketing your golf course responsively is now crucial!

The announcement by Google that from 21st April 2015 they were going to implement their new algorithm for mobile searches may have passed by relatively unnoticed by golf clubs and resorts across the world however the media picked up on the story and certainly here in the UK it was reported on quite extensively.
In essence what this means is that Google are now paying serious attention to the way in which a website is structured so much so that when they deliver the results page from a Smartphone search any site that has been built in a responsive style will show the words “mobile-friendly” on the third line! This means that golfers will know that their viewing and navigation experience when going to that website will be seamless in comparison to the sometimes woeful experiences of non-responsive websites where you have to constantly zoom in and out to read what is being said!
So what on earth has this got to do with golf clubs and resorts!!
Let’s provide two sets of facts in order to explain why golf clubs and resorts, especially those that currently sit on the first page of a Google search, need to deal with this issue as a matter of urgency!
Fact number one is that golfers are much more likely to own a Smartphone than other consumers and as almost 70% of the public own a Smartphone then you can be assured it will probably be heading towards 80% for golfers.
Fact number two is that when golfers are searching for a new course to play or deciding where to go for a golfing break with their friends the quality of the golf courses are one of the most important criteria they use in making that decision!
Weighing up these two facts brings you to the conclusion that visiting golfers, who are far more likely to visit your website than members, are going to be using a Smartphone to carry out their research and will want to see exactly what the golf course is like, perhaps take an online walk around the course from their Smartphone!
If you cannot navigate your club website comfortably from a Smartphone then you have an issue moving forward and as visiting golfers play a much more important role in the financial viability of a golf club than they have in the past then it is an issue that really needs to be addressed!
Of course in these austere times it is going to be difficult to justify the cost of a complete rebuilding of the golf club/resort website in a responsive style quite apart from the fact that it would take many months to re-build anyway!
This is why UGolf Media have the perfect solution in that we can build superb responsive designed course guides which can be white labelled in the clubs branding but sits outside the clubs main website. By including all data that is relevant to a visiting golfer such as course rules, clubhouse facilities, enquiry forms and links to the clubs tee time booking engine it will ensure that your club will soon be in line with Google's criteria but more importantly that visiting golfers will stop and view your golf course and be much more likely to book.
We spend a whole day at the course for 18 hole courses and photograph every hole taking over 250 images of the course, clubhouse and surrounding area. The cost of a professional photographer alone for a days’ work would more than eclipse the charges we make which includes the construction of the responsive pages!
To view the demo course guide, which is contained within our responsive golf club demo website but can be built seperately, just scan the QR Code or if you're viewing this on your Smartphone then just tap the image.
To chat with UGolf Media to see how we can not only build a superb course guide but also how it can be marketed in such a way that you can capture a golfer's mobile number for ongoing marketing purposes then please call...
00 44 (0)1743 581425
or complete the enquiry form on this page and we will deal with it as soon as possible.